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The Walking Dead Season 4 Finale – My Prediction/Parody part 2

29 Mar

The night before.

“Look at the flowers Lizzie.”

It’s dark outside. Carol is standing behind Lizzie in the meadow. Her silhouette is visible, but nothing more.

“Just look at the flowers and keep counting.”

Lizzie starts to turn towards her.

“No sweetheart, keep looking forward, keep…”

The moonlight has begin to escape from behind the sheath of clouds scattered across the night sky. Carol gasps and drops the gun. Lizzie, no longer the pretty young girl she once was. No longer smiling the way she did when playing with walkers. No longer crying like she had when Carol put bullets in their heads. For her face was now rotting, decomposing.

“No. I got you. I got you in the head. You can’t. You can’t be…”

Growling and gurgling, Lizzie lunges at Carol…

Carol wakes with a start. A small scream escaping from between her trembling lips. Tyrese, on guard duty, turns to her.

Tyrese: You OK?

Carol: Hmm. Yeah, fine. I just…

Tyrese: Dreaming ’bout Lizzie again?

Carol: Yeah. Did I wake Judith?

Tyrese looks over at the baby.

Tyrese: I think we’d know if you did.

Carol: Good. I’ll take over watch. I’m not going to sleep again tonight.

Tyrese: And you think I can? Hell I haven’t had a single peaceful night since…you know?

Carol nods. Then.

Carol: I spy with my little eye…

They both laugh.




Michonne: You think we’re close?

Rick: I think so. The signs are getting more frequent.

Carl: You think the others will be there?

Rick: I don’t know, Caarrwwl. I hope so. And if not, I’m sure there’ll be plenty of other people there. It’ll be a safe haven, like all the dead people from season three thought Woodbury was.

They push on, getting ever closer to their destination, blissfully unaware of what lies ahead, or what is pursuing behind.


Joe: Can’t be far behind that son-of-a-bitch now. When we get to him, he’s mine. Anybody else he’s with is fair game.

Billy: If they got any young-un’s, I claaaim!

Harley: You can claim first dibs, but we all get a turn. That’s the rules.

Daryl: What the hell are you ass-holes talking about?

Joe: (chuckling) There ain’t much…talent, around these days. So we take what we can get.

Daryl: Young-un’s? I ain’t gonna let…

Billy: (fingers his pistol) Ain’t gonna lets us what, hotshot?

Quick as a flash, Daryl fires an arrow between Billy’s legs, just clipping the seam of his pants.

Daryl: Next time I aim higher.

Billy: You piece of sh…

Joe: Alright, everybody calm the hell down! Daryl here obviously hasn’t had it as hard as us. After all we know he’s running after some piece of tail. (turns to Daryl) Listen son, there ain’t no rules about that kind of thing any more. Times are tough. And short of jacking each other off, we don’t get much of a chance to enjoy ourselves any more. Now, if we do find anything that takes our fancy, you’re welcome to go off for a walk while we have our fun, but you ain’t gonna stop us. You might be the shit with that bow, but there’s more of us. You got me?

Daryl nods reluctantly.

Joe: I like you. But we’ve got to think of ourselves.

Tony: Joe! Footprints. Pretty recent.

Joe rushes over to Tony.

Joe: You’re right. (punches Tony) So why the fuck are you shouting your ass off?

Tony: Sorry Joe. I didn’t think…

Joe: Yeah, you didn’t think alright.  From now on, if you talk you whisper. If we come across any walkers we use knifes or arrows. Got it?

Everybody nods. At the back of the group, Daryl spots a candy bar wrapper. His immediate thought is “Carl?”


Carol: I think she needs changing.

Tyrese: Again? What the hell are we feeding her?

Carol: Well we haven’t seen any stores for weeks, and I doubt you had a chance to pick too much up from the prison when the shit hit the fan, so it beats me. It’s as if the writers are just glossing over it.

Tyrese: True dat. Alright, lets find some shelter and get this done.

They find a grassy area surrounded by trees, and Tyrese sets Judith down.

Tyrese: You think Sasha’s gonna be at this Terminus?

Carol: I’m sure she is. The others too. We’ll all be back together, I’m certain of it. Tyrese?

Tyrese: Yeah.

Carol: Are you going to tell them about Lizzie?

Tyrese: What Lizzie had…she needed the kind of treatment that just isn’t around anymore. She was a danger to herself and others. We…you, did the right thing. Hell, I couldn’t have done it.

Carol: Because I’m a cold  blooded killer?

Tyrese: You know what needs to be done for the greater good.

Carol: Maybe.

Tyrese: Ok, done. Let’s get out of here. We got company.

Through the trees ahead of them, three walkers emerge. Two more to the back.

Tyrese: Take Judith, I got this.

Tyrese starts towards the three in front and dispatches them with ease. As the other two approach Carol and Judith, Carol set the baby down and head over to them. She plunges her knife into the skull of one, and it gets stuck. She tries to yank it out but to no avail. She turns away just as the other reaches her and grabs her shoulders. She tries to push it away as it’s jaws snap at her.

Carol: How is it these things are so damn strong when their heads crack like an egg if you stamp on them?

Tyrese: (grabs the walker and throws it to the ground) Tell me about it.

He stamps on the walkers head and it shatters, teeth and all.

Carol: A demonstration really wasn’t necessary.

Tyrese picks up Judith.

Tyrese: I know. But it sure is fun.


Rick, Michonne and Carl are close to Terminus.

Carl: Got any more candy bars?

Michonne: Sorry kid, all out.

Rick: You must have a dozen wrappers stuffed into your pockets, you don’t want any more.

Carl: It’s fine, I’ve been tossing them on the ground.

Rick: You been doing what?

Joe: Been leading us right to you. Thanks kid.

Rick: Who the hell are you?

Joe: My name’s Joe. This is Tony, Harley, Dan, Billy and Daryl.

Rick looks at Daryl who gives the slightest shake of his head.

Joe: You might remember Lou. You strangled him back at the house and left him to turn. Which he did. Thanks for that.

Rick: That was our house. You had no right…

Tony: We claimed, ass-hole. Didn’t hear you saying nothing of the sort.

Joe: Now, now. He didn’t know the rules. But that still doesn’t excuse him from killing our friend. Hold him boys.

Dan and Harley pounce on Rick, whilst Tony and Billy point their guns at Michonne and Carl.

Carl: Dad! Let go of him!

Joe: Kid, girl, drop your damn weapons or I kill him now.

Rick: It’s OK guys, do as he says.

Reluctantly they do as he says.

Billy: (holding Carl) Claimed. I get first go.

Rick: What?! You lay a finger on him and I’ll rip your head off, you piece of shit!

Joe: He’s claimed. Nothing we can do about it now

Joe proceeds to lay into Rick. Daryl fights the urge to jump in and help him. When Joe’s finished he turns to Daryl.

Joe: Daryl, you’re the new guy, so I’m gonna let you do the honours.

Daryl takes position in front of Rick.

Daryl: Sorry brother.

He takes aim at Rick. Then with a quick glance at Michonne:

Daryl: Now!

He switches his aim and takes out Tony. Michonne sends an elbow into Billy’s throat, retrieves her sword, and swipes off his head. Daryl puts another arrow into Harley, whilst Carl puts a bullet into Dan’s forehead. As Joe is backing off, Rick lunges at his feet, slashing at his achilles tendons. Joe collapses to the ground as the gang congregate around him. He looks up at Daryl.

Daryl: Sorry Joe, they claimed me first.

Rick plunges the knife into Joe’s skull.

Michonne: You Ok Rick?

Rick: Yeah. Caarrwwl, I thought they were going to…

Carl: It’s OK dad, I’m fine. Let’s get out of here, we can’t be far from Terminus.

Two hours later they were approaching the gate.

Daryl: No guards and an unlocked gate. I don’t like it.

Rick: It seems to easy. We should…

The sound of gun shots and screams cut him off…




My end of Year One blog review

29 Dec

It’s the end of the year, so I thought I’d review the first year of my blog, for myself if nothing else.


Followers: 87 – no idea if that’s good or not…I’m pretty sure it’s not great 🙂 Although thank you to everybody who’s followed me so far!

Total views: 853 – I was aiming for 1000, so I’m not too far off.

Best day for views – 28 on August 5th thanks to a 14 view surge from Three Chord Queen.


Top 3 “likes”:

3. Cellophane Man – 8 likes

    The Vampyre: Canto One – 8 likes

2. Her: Part 3 – 10 likes

1. Here’s to you, kid – 11 likes


Most views:

Although most of my “likes” come from my poems and lyrics, two of my top three views are from quite dark articles I wrote about Euthanasia, and the death of actor Cory Monteith from a heroin overdose.

3. Euthanasia – 31 views

2. Three Chord Queen – – 49 views

1. The Hollywood Addiction – 81 views

P.S. The answer to “how many Taylor Swift song titles” are in Three Chord Queen is…44!


Fan favourites:


Alabama Blues



My favourites:

The Present – the first poem I ever wrote.

Sweet Beatrice, My Muse

Welcome To The Honky Tonk

Back To The Summer


Unexpected Disappointments:

Back To My Roots – 0 likes

I’ll Always Be Your Hero – 2 likes

Party Town – 2 likes


A lot of my other earlier poems like “Grandad” and “Alabama Blues” have got 0 likes, hopefully due to the fact that I had barely any followers, so I’m not too disappointed. 


I guess that’s it. All in all a pretty good first year I think. Roll on 2014!


Happy New Year!



Return of the Rant – Episode Ten: Contains Strong Language, Violence, and Scenes of a Sexual Nature

30 Nov

So the Rant returns after a three month absence. The poetry’s just been flowing too well recently. But I was reading an article on Yahoo this morning about actress Elizabeth Olsen, and how she’s comfortable with on screen nudity, and how she finds it empowering.

About her recent nude scene in the remake of South Korean classic “Oldboy”, she says: “It helps tell a more grotesque story. There’s nothing gratuitous about it, and it creates the opposite of pleasure. I find it empowering.”

In world that has gone PC mad, and nudity is seen as the ultimate taboo, it’s good to see a talented young actress who is comfortable with her own body, and doesn’t shy away from top movie roles because they require nudity. Her role in ” Martha Macy May Marlene” in 2011, was critically acclaimed as one of the top début performances of recent years.

However not everybody agrees. Some comments on the article claim that people who take their clothes off in movies or on TV are somehow sluts or whores, and even liken their actions to that of prostitutes – selling their bodies for money. Funny how these people never mention male nudity…or actress such as Meryl Streep or Helen Mirren. Do these people avoid any film with nudity? They need to get off their high horses and realise that nudity in movies in sometimes essential to the story, and not just their for titillation. Would films like “Shame” or “Blue Is The Warmest Colour” have worked if the main characters wore trench coats and wellies? Probably not.

At the end of the day, it’s just a naked body. You see one every day. And I bet most of these people don’t complain about graphic violence or crude language in movies. “But the violence isn’t real” they’ll argue. No, no it isn’t, but what’s more likely to affect and influence a young person, a pair of breasts, or someone “pretending” to be decapitated or disembowelled?

It’s worrying that parents of teenagers will happily buy their children a “Grand Theft Auto” game, a game which I’m sure, by now, we all know what is involved, but cry bloody murder if any kind of nudity is shown on TV before 9 o’clock. Because, as we all know, children and teenagers turn off the televisions in their rooms after that time, and of course wouldn’t dare to use the internet on their phones, tablets or laptops, to access such filth.

Shame on Hollywood for it’s vile corruption and exploitation of these poor actresses that get paid millions of dollars to do what they do.

The Occasional Rant – Episode Nine: EDF Energy – Breaking and Entering

16 Aug

So, I got home from work today to find one of the neighbours sat on her front step crying. Turns out she was a bit behind on her energy payments, but had spoken to EDF and set up a payment plan, and has been making regular payments of £100.

As far as she was aware everything was OK.

However, when she got home from work today, she discovered that EDF had “gained access”, aka broken in, to her flat to get a metre reading, and subsequently changed her locks – front AND back.

If you’re gaining access to someone’s flat, why change the back door locks as well!? Especially when you can see she has a dog, and when you’ve left a note in the front window explaining that the new keys are at the office, which is only open from 10am-4pm, Monday-Friday. I wonder how many people they know who finish work before 4pm?

What if I hadn’t come home until later on to let her use the phone, so she could call the Council’s after hours number to get them to sort the locks? Or what if she’d gone out for drinks after work, like she intended to do, but had, thankfully, decided not to in the end? She’d have been unable to get into her flat, and to her dog, all weekend without having to break in, or spend a lot of money getting the locks changed again.

Now, she knew she owed money, but as far as she was aware it was all taken care of because she’d spoken to EDF and set up a payment plan. She’d had no letters through the post, and no phone calls threatening her about any impeding action.  So how can EDF argue against the fact that they essentially broken into her flat and changed her locks?

If you’re with EDF I would strongly urge you to consider changing. I’ve never heard of E-ON, British Gas, NPower or Scottish Power breaking into people’s houses without warning.

P.S. Just so you know, in a customer survey on  only E-ON came lower overall than EDF, who got a two star rating for customer service and complaints.